Plastic bags and packaging for the industry
Bags suitable for specific uses in different types of industries, made with raw materials certified by the FDA in compliance with phytosanitary regulations, customized designs and in the dimensions and materials that the client requires.
Bags that require special properties to achieve good performance in their final use, high physical or chemical properties, heat shrinkable
Plastic bags made of low-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, monooriented polypropylene, bioriented polypropylene, raw materials certified by the FDA, 100% original materials or recycled materials, biodegradable, compostable
They can be printed up to 6 colors in different formats, they can have different types of perforations according to the use of the packaging
Hardware industry, packaging industry, wood industry, cement industry, construction industry, education industry, transport materials industry, public sector, hotel industry, tourism industry, restaurants, agriculture, plantations, rural sectors
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